Eastern Front Situation Situation * Ukraine admits Terror attack

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Theo Gottwald

As it was many years in the past we have the same situation again:
Easteren Front is falling appart.

From a pure technological point of view there are some interesting factors playing a role.
From the start, many people still believed on old military #doctrins that have been playing out in the last war.
And possibly played a role in the last Irak war.

But here we see significant changes.
Due to the use of very good targeting Artillery (using Drones) the use of large attack Squads has widely been stopped. And smaller Attacck Squads have been used - in the size an artillery shell (Price >2500 - 8000$) "would not pay out".

Now we see that due to the overhelming use of FPV Drones, even the use of small "Attack Squads" is not more safe, as cheapest FPV Drones just kill them easily.

Currently the only way to go is, to drop 1500 to 3000 kg Bombs and "completely eliminate any living" on the other side and then try to gain a foothold in the territory.
Also what they do is, they cut of electricity which prevents production, distribution and loading of drones.

We see a #Blackout in major Ukrainian Cities now.
IS it the beginning of the End?

A Country without electricity is dead.