Why converting to Dalai LLama should be an Alternative to ChatGPT 4

Started by Theo Gottwald, March 27, 2023, 10:25:41 PM

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Theo Gottwald

In this video I discuss New AI Model developed by researchers from Stanford,
and what is has to do with Dalai & Llama :-)
In short, they managed to pack something "Like ChatGPT" into a modell that can run local on your harddisk!

The Stanford AI Breakthrough

The Installation is simple. You need to download

Install it. Then automatically you have a new command in the Windows CMD-Window (Commandline).

Using this you type just "npx install dalai llama 65b"
Then you let it run overnight ...

If you have not enough space on your harddisk, try "7B" instead of "65B" (largest model).

The whole process see here.

I have installed it and asked it to make me a program in PowerBasic.
So first the time until it answers is longer then with ChatGPT.
Because it runs local.
Also i have to admit that at least the modell 7B is useless for PB-Programmers.

### Instruction:
write a neural network in powerbasic, step-by-step

### Response:
Step 1: Create two variables for X and Y values to be used as inputs by the Neural Network. The following statements will create these two variables respectively.

X = 0
Y = 0 [end of text]

Pierre Bellisle

Hi Theo,

The title of you thread made me laugh so much that I couldn't resist to post.
I was thinking of the real one, now that I see what it's all about, I must say, it is quite interesting...
Thank for sharing.

Also, you did a great job with the new forum version.


I guess that 7/65b is the same as 7/65g.
Found out b is for billion as in 65-billion-parameter large language model.
So 7B => ~4gb, 13B => ~8gb, 30B => ~16gb, 65B => ~32gb.

Specific installation info on github

Theo Gottwald

Hallo Pierre,

Yes it was time to modernize the Forum once more.
Also all downloads are now available without the need to first log in.

If you really  want to convert start here:
Here is a book for you.
You can just tune in, its free.