Interactive PowerBasic Forum

Smart-Package Robot Board => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Theo Gottwald on January 01, 2023, 07:58:03 PM

Title: 14.03.2023 Smart Package Robot Update Notice: "GPX-Files and Timestamps"
Post by: Theo Gottwald on January 01, 2023, 07:58:03 PM
The last Update to the SPR has been uploaded to the Server.
Besides many other changes and Improvements, the Program now includes the new "GPX-Korrektor" which can be used to manually correct GPX-Files, for example for use with Google-Street View publishing.

Generally the Smart Package Robot has a large Set of XML-Commands, that is helpful with GPX-Files.
But then there were some shortcomings to deal with Timestamps like: HH:MM:SS:ddd.
I needed to calculate the Timedifference between Timestamps and do not want to use a bunch of String-Operations.

So there is the new TCA. (Timestamp& Time Calculation) Command.

It can do all sorts of things with such Timestamps.
Add, Subtract or divide them, find the Timestamp between two timestamps, and you can even define a LOOP from a Timestamp to another Timestamp. Which is exactly what i need here in my Task.

The Timestamp-Loop is sort of

FOR.$$LOP=10:09:00.000 TO 10:10:00.000 STEP 00:00:00.010
(Do something here with $$LOP)

Command. For the SPR i have realized it using MACROS.
This example will also be in the Helpfile as a Macro-Sample.

' These Macros will implement a Time-FOR-Loop using Macros
' Please note the use of 'EIF- and 'EIF+ in the Macro for the Editor Formatting.
' This Loop will Loop from 08:09:59.000 to 08:10:01.000


PRT.Looping: $$LOP


'  The two Macros that implement a Time-Loop
: %FOT 3
: %NXT