IWshURLShortcut.FullName Property

Started by José Roca, July 14, 2008, 06:26:32 AM

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José Roca

The following code illustrates the use of the FullName property:


' Create an instance of the Windows Script Host
LOCAL pWsh AS IWshShell
pWsh = NEWCOM "WScript.Shell"

' Create a shortcut programatically (if it already exists, CreateShortcut opens it)
LOCAL pLnk AS IWshURLShortcut
pLnk = pWsh.CreateShortcut(UCODE$(EXE.Path$ & "Microsoft Web Site.url"))

' Sets the TargetPath property
pLnk.TargetPath UCODE$("http://www.microsoft.com")
' Saves the shortcut file to disk

' Get the parameters to to see if they have changed
STDOUT "Shortcut full name: " & ACODE$(pLnk.FullName)
STDOUT "Shortcut target path: " & ACODE$(pLnk.TargetPath)