Purebasic x64 - A beginners guide for Powerbasic Users.

Started by Theo Gottwald, November 17, 2009, 06:28:06 PM

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Eddy Van Esch

Theo (and others),

Just wanted to say thanks for posting your experiences with PureBasic here. Interesting read!  :)
The more I read about PureBasic, the more I become convinced that this will be my 2nd compiler, next to PowerBASIC.

If you have more PureBasic experiences that are worth mentioning here, please don't hesitate! ;)

Kind regards

Theo Gottwald

Eddy, currently use PureBasic x64 only and for 32 bit PowerBasic. Purebasic has some weaknesses about GOSUB and around that are for my programming style not so easy to overcome.
Also it lacks some variable types.
Anyway, aside from that many things can be done with PureBasic, and also the Editor and the surrounding are fine.

Eddy Van Esch

Quote from: Theo Gottwald on February 24, 2014, 06:24:07 PM
Purebasic has some weaknesses about GOSUB and around that are for my programming style not so easy to overcome.
Also it lacks some variable types.
Can't you use function calls instead of gosubs? Probably some more overhead, that's true ...
Which variable types are missing ....?

Theo Gottwald

As i said above, because of a historically wrong decision in the past, PureBasic ist still  a "Stack Call based" Single-Pass Compiler.
About the variable types, it starts with a string engine that can never compare to the one from Powerbasic.
Next you will see that you have to make some strange moves when using some APIs.
Take a look here that will help you starting.

Database Developement with PureBasic

PS: Some of these books may be in german.

Eddy Van Esch

Thanks, Theo. The first e-book I had already downloaded ..  :)

Quote from: Theo Gottwald on February 25, 2014, 07:51:07 AM
PS: Some of these books may be in german.
Dies ist normalerweise kein Problem ..  ;)