SED Editor 2.03

Started by José Roca, June 17, 2011, 02:17:20 AM

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José Roca

A programmer's editor for the PB/WIN and PB/CC compilers written by members of the PowerBASIC community. His names and contributions are specified in the SED History page of the help file. It uses Scintilla as the editing component.

Key Features

  • Tabbed MDI interface
  • Multiple instances
  • Drag and drop files to the editor
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Block indent/unindent
  • Block comment/uncomment
  • Unlimited undo and redo
  • Bookmarks
  • Codefinder
  • Keyboard macros
  • Folding
  • Zoom
  • Indentation guides
  • Project management
  • Code analyzer
  • Codetips and autocompletion
  • Context help
  • Customizable colors and fonts
  • Conversion to Html for easy web publishing
  • Ability to compile untitled files
  • Execute without compiling
  • Split windows
  • Color printing and print preview
  • Ability to create resource files on the fly
  • Post-processor
  • Support for PB templates
  • Find in files
  • MRU (Most recent used files)
  • Optional reloading of previous file set at start
  • Tools menu
  • Plug-ins
  • Lynx support

What is new in this version?

The main change has been to adapt the code to allow to compile it with PB 10 and my headers for that compiler. Other minor changes include that in this vrersion the PB reserved words are stored in the file SED_PB_KEYWORDS.TXT instead of listed in the source code.


To install the editor, just unzip the attached file(s) in the folder of your choice.

Attached files

SED203_Release: Contains the editor, the help file and the tools and DLLs.

SED203_Source: Contains the source code.

Paul Elliott


Shouldn't the source zip be for v2.03? I keep getting v2.02 files.

No rush. Just curious.


José Roca

Sorry, I did attach the wrong file. New file uploaded.

Jaime de los Hoyos

Hi José,

I just downloaded this new version, and noticed that, when creating a new file and trying to save it I get the "Open..." dialog, making it impossible to save a new file.

I haven't yet taken a look into the source, but I think it must be some simple oversight...

José Roca

A silly mistake in

   MACRO AfxOpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogW
   MACRO OpenFileDialog = AfxSaveFileDialogW
   MACRO AfxOpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogA
   MACRO OpenFileDialog = AfxSaveFileDialogA

should be

   MACRO AfxOpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogW
   MACRO OpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogW
   MACRO AfxOpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogA
   MACRO OpenFileDialog = AfxOpenFileDialogA

New file uploaded.

José Roca

Thanks for your feedback.

I didn't notice it because I use CSED now. Also, instead of the wrapper OpenFileDialog I use now the CAfxFileDialog class.

Dubravko Tuckoric

It seems that source code is missing now. There are two exetutables with same name but different in size. Whitch is right ?
Did you posted corected in your WINAPI suite ?

José Roca

Sorry, I did delete the wrong file. New files uploaded.

I will post a new version of the headers in a few days, when PBWin 10.02 will be released. There will be important new includes, such an OpenGL control and classes for ODBC ad GDI+.

I will also begin to post examples, now that both the compiler and the includes have all know bugs fixed.

Jaime de los Hoyos

Cool! Looking forward to that. Maybe it's finally time to do the switch to v10! (You sure all reported bugs were fixed, right? I don't know if previous versions' releases were like this, but this one sure was a bumpy ride...)

Thanks for all your fine work; gracias!!

Rick McNeely

Hey all,

I know that I can tell SED which compiler to use by default.  Can I have a PBCC program in one tab and a PBWin program in another and have each compile with the correct compiler without changing the default?  I thought maybe using the #compiler directive, but that doesn't seem to work.


(SED is still the best IDE!)

José Roca





in capital letters somewhere at the beginning or your program.

Zlatko Vid

Hello Jose

yes I like SED and i use it with FreeBasic too, i found others IDE-s editors to complex
for my taste ...

I have one question if is not problem

I don't understand even i am looking and looking into SED source  to
figure you save line position  when switching between tabs ?


Zlatko Vid

I mean i understand this part :

' // Retrieve the position and number of lines

   curPos = SCI_GetCurrentPos(pSed.hEdit)
   nLine = SCI_LineFromPosition(pSed.hEdit, curPos) + 1

but  don't get it where is stored ?

José Roca

It is not stored anywhere in the editor. The Scintilla control keeps track of it.

Zlatko Vid

The Scintilla control keeps track of it.

ok...but how ?
i don't know for any container by Scintilla which do that?
I know that win api SetFocus enable visible caret