Include-Directory redirection: Another good reason for using the CSED-Editor

Started by Theo Gottwald, July 12, 2011, 12:19:42 PM

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Theo Gottwald

I just had that case. An "old" PB 9 Programm.
I could have just been compiling it for PB, but i wanted some of the new features.

Soon i realized, that it would mean quite some changes because ir needed other include files and ".inc" libraries.

So i started CSED and used the

$CSED_INCPATH = "D:\01_PB\02_Resources\05-Lib-A\;D:\01_PB\PBWin10\WINAPI_II\"

directive and this way i could just compile it using Jose's include files, without changin any settings in the editor itself.

I like this advantage of CSED to be able to redirect the include directoris using the source-code.
Because i do not need to change anything in the editor settings.

Having said that, let me add that Jose's include files arenot only much larger then the original includes, but also very compatible to PB 9. This way i could campile the old code without further changes using PB 10.