Another 64 bit compiler: ADW-Modula 2

Started by Richard Koch, May 24, 2012, 09:43:14 AM

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Richard Koch

here is some source code. please make sure to look at the modules that the Compiler Comes with one commercial dll i had to delete, but i left the definitions and mod files.
maybe the code helps someone or you .
best regards

Theo Gottwald

Thanks, Rick.
You can anytime post more Info on the ADW Modula here, as I like this system.

Richard Koch

you are welcome.
the libs and dlls are 64bit - forgot to mention.

Richard Koch

it would be nice to have something like firefly for that Compiler. i'd buy it instantly.

Theo Gottwald

Yes, the surface is the weaker part.
I like the Debugger!

Richard Koch

so do i, but the best thing is the compiler's stability - virtually no compiler bugs.

AWD:  .... But as I said before, real errors are very rare. Maybe one a year and mostly for exceptional cases.

Theo Gottwald

I will tell you when i have really used it for something.
I am the one who finds the hidden bugs.
Because i make the things the others do not do.

Frederick J. Harris

You sure hate C theo! :)  I've seen you mention that so many times!

I really don't think its as bad as a lot of PB'ers make it out to be.  Once one gets used to it, one finds it has a certain compelling logic and beauty to it.  And it seems to me the benifits outweigh the downsides by quite a bit, for example, 64 bit versions are easily available for free, lots of documentation, certain continuity, etc.

However, I have to admit, I suffer from more than my share of things I hate - some perhaps unreasonably.  Not so much in C but in C++.  For example, I truely hate everything to do with templates in C++.  I feel they make the most confusing and ugly, indecipherable code.  All of modern C++ has gone that route however, to my dismay.  So I'm not saying I don't understand.   :)

Theo Gottwald

Fred I do NOT "HATE" whatever. Even my worst enemies are in fact challenges, nothing to hate.
Besides that every programmer has some programming style coming from earliere days.
I am a BASCI Programmer, and i have used PASCAL before. So i know and like Modula.
If there would not be anything else i would also take a closer look on C.
But not as long as there is the smallest piece of life in my PB. :-)
Its not AGAINST C here, its just my personal taste.
You have a good right for your personal taste.
We also will not eat the same stuff when wego to restaurant.