
Started by Israel Vega, May 21, 2013, 01:47:33 AM

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Israel Vega

Somebody have used Tesseract-OCR with PowerBasic?

I am using with my application in PowerBasic but from command line with:

ShellExecute(ByVal %Null,"", "c:\tesseract-ocr\tesseract.exe","c:\tesseract-ocr\image.tif c:\tesseract-ocr\text.txt" , ByVal %Null, %SW_HIDE)

And I'm surprised with this great OCR. But I not know how include API's in PB.
If someone already has experience with this and can post a sample.

This is a link of API's but is in language C:


José Roca

C++ classes can't be used with PowerBASIC.

Israel Vega

Thanks Jose...I'll keep looking for a good OCR...Yesterday I was test ABBYY OCR finereader and is Excelent but I no found a interface
for development.  This have better precision that Tesseract.  Also if somebody know of a good OCR...free or commercial version.

Mike Stefanik


I've never worked with it, but they have both a standard DLL and COM interface and it looks like they support a number of different languages (not PowerBasic though, so you'd have to create the declares for it). Just browsing the documentation, it looks like most of their DLL functions just use handles and integral data types so I imagine converting the C prototypes to PB should be fairly straight-forward.

Theo Gottwald

Does anybody know an OCR-Kit that can also "Screen-Read" Smoothed Fonts
and the new "Sub-Pixel" ("Cleartype") Fonts" on Vista, W7 and Win 8 ?
All such stuff i have seen can read only b/w Fonts and fails on Cleartype.

About "Nicomsoft". The price is >$1000 therefore i'd ask them to deliver a PB Header.
Its their advantage to make one.