Windows API Headers III v.1.04

Started by José Roca, August 03, 2012, 09:28:30 PM

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David Warner

Hi  José,

I just noticed a small typo in WinApiHeaders.chm
AfxOpenFileDialog is listed in the index as AfxOpelFileDialog
and the topic header is the same.

I must say that your header files really are a 'tour de force'.
Thanks again for all your amazing efforts.

Best Regards,


José Roca

Thanks very much. I have modified the help file.

David Warner

Here are a few more for you to review...


Index entry                                       Correction?
------------------------------------------------  --------------------------
AfxQuadDateToFormatedStr                          AfxQuadDateToFormattedStr
AfxQuadTimeToFormatedStr                          AfxQuadTimeToFormattedStr
Button_SetImaleListXY                             Button_SetImageListXY

Topic headers                               
ControlClientHeight (Poperty)                     ControlClientHeight (Property)
ControlClientWidth (Poperty)                      ControlClientWidth (Property)
ControlHeight (Poperty)                           ControlHeight (Property)

CotH [Method]
A single index entry offers two topic options
(CosH [Method] and CotH [Method])
Is this correct?

DaysInYear Method [CAfxTime Class]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD DayusInYear () AS LONG                     METHOD DaysInYear () AS LONG

Delete Tooltip Method [CWindow Class]         
Topic header "DeleteTooltip (Method)"
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD Tooltip_Delete                             METHOD DeleteTooltip

A single index entry offers two identical
topic options (topic content differs slightly)

José Roca

Thanks again. I have modified these entries and a couple of "formated" more.

Paul Squires

Not sure if this one has been reported already:

' ========================================================================================
' Selects all items.
' ========================================================================================
SUB ListView_SetlectAllItems (BYVAL hwndLV AS DWORD)
   lvi.mask = %LVIF_STATE
   lvi.state = -1
   lvi.stateMask = %LVIS_SELECTED
   SendMessage hwndLV, %LVM_SETITEMSTATE, -1, VARPTR(lvi)

ListView_SetlectAllItems should be ListView_SelectAllItems  (remove the first "t" from SetlectAllItems)

Paul Squires
FireFly Visual Designer SQLitening Database System JellyFish Pro Editor

José Roca

Thanks very much. I probably missed this one because if forgot to add an entry for it in the help file, that I have added now.

The "formatted" one is a problem that I have with that word, because in Spanish is "formateado", with only one "t".

David Warner

Quote from: José Roca on September 27, 2013, 07:19:32 PM
The "formatted" one is a problem that I have with that word, because in Spanish is "formateado", with only one "t".

No worries! So, you have a minor problem with one English word.
I have a problem with 99.999% of Spanish words.  ;D

Anyway, here are a few more entries for you to check out...
Index entry                                       Correction? / Comment
------------------------------------------------  --------------------------

Eqv [Method] (CVariant Class)
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD Add                                        METHOD Eqv


FormatCurrency [Method] (CVariant Class)
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD FormatPercent                              METHOD FormatCurrency


FromDoubleVector [Method] (CProp Variant Class)
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD FromInt64Vector                            METHOD FromDoubleVector


ListBox_CalcHorizontabExtent Function             ListBox_CalcHorizontalExtent
Topic Title
ListBox_CalcHorizontabExtent                      ListBox_CalcHorizontalExtent


Index contains inconsistent use of brackets and square brackets.
e.g.    SA_1D_AppendWord Method (CDictionary Class)
        SA_1D_AppendWString Method [CSafeArray Class]
Should they all just use round brackets?


SA_1D_AppendVariant Method [CSafeArray Class]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD SA_1D_AppendVariantElement                 METHOD SA_1D_AppendVariant


SA_1D_AppendUnknown Method (CDictionary Class)
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD SA_1D_AppendDecimal                        METHOD SA_1D_AppendUnknown


SA_1D_PutCurrency Method (CDictionary Class)
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD SA_1D_PutDouble                            METHOD SA_1D_PutCurrency


SA_1D_PutWString Method [CSafeArray Class]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD SA_1D_PutString                            METHOD SA_1D_PutWString


SetPatsBySize Method (CWindow Class)              should read Parts not Pats.
                                                  SetStatusBarPartsBySize Method (CWindow Class)
Topic Header
SetPartsBySize (Method)                           SetStatusBarPartsBySize (Method)

Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD SetStatusbarPartsBySize                    Should match index entry and topic header.


SetPositions Metod [IAfxMp3 Interface]            SetPositions Method [IAfxMp3 Interface]


ToDoubleArray Method [CVariant Class]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD ToInt64Array                               METHOD ToDoubleArrayAlloc


ToDoubleVector Method [CPropVariant Class]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
METHOD ToInt64Array                               METHOD ToDoubleVector


XPButton_SetBitmapFromFile Function [XPButton Control (Themed)]
Topic content under "PowerBASIC Syntax"
FUNCTION XPButton_SetIconFromFile                 FUNCTION XPButton_SetBitmapFromFile


José Roca

Thanks very much. I also have changed the return type of several of the XPButton function from LONG to DWORD for consistency.

If you wonder why there were so many errors in the CSafeArray class, it is because it was not a fully finished work, but a draft. During the beta testing of the compiler, I asked Bob if he was going to add support for safe arrays. As I didn't get a clear reply, I began to work in the class, and then Bob released a beta version with safe array support :)

Jim Reeder

I am a bit confused as to where to find the latest versions.  For instance, the WinApiHeaders.rar file contents has a last modified date of 8/3/2012.

The source code file for CSED has a note that The Win API Headers ver 2.02+ is required, however, the download file is WINAPI_III_1.04 with contents that have most recent modified date of 8/3/2012.

Perhaps I am not interpreting these dates correctly.

José Roca

The latest released version is WINAPI_III_1.04. The 2.02 version was for PB9. If the code for CSED mentions 2.02 must be that I have forgot to change it, but it requires the III series, that support unicode.

Theo Gottwald

Jose, could you also address the small issues in the Scintilla*.inc?

' ========================================================================================
' SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT(int length, cell *s)
' This behaves just like SCI_ADDTEXT, but inserts styled text.
' ========================================================================================
' ========================================================================================
   FUNCTION = SendMessageA(hSci, %SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT, LEN(strText), STRPTR(strText))
' ========================================================================================
' ========================================================================================
   FUNCTION = Scintilla_DirectFunction(pSci, %SCI_ADDSTYLEDTEXT, LEN(strText), STRPTR(strText))
' ========================================================================================     

Contained a small typing mistake (s/d)

Theo Gottwald

I have always promoted to use your headers as the official.
Now the people at PB HQ have been blindfolded in the past and did never realize the potential value of your contribution.
Its not your fault, it was because ... you know it blinds people.
Yet we all use your headers. I use them for any new project and also for all my major projects.
Any seriouse Visual Designer in the PB Market also wether uses exclusively Your Includes OR includes them at least as an option.