Peter W examples/programs

Started by Zlatko Vid, April 20, 2023, 08:27:32 PM

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Zlatko Vid

Hi to all
I am lurking over archived forum on JRS site in hope to
find some programs /examples by Peter Wirbelauer
but most of them are incomplete or deleted and some which exists
not work or are full of errors
is there/anyone here who have working programs ..i mean on
few games like MapDemo etc...

Charles Pegge

I've got a collection of Peter's games from the o2 website. But there is only one with source code. Below:

2 other mes: space invaders and bird shoot are included with o2

Zlatko Vid

Hi Charles

I am looking into his MapDemo or pac-boy game
i have one not very well working version with GDI and map-files
also i found one on JRS archive code only but not working
i mean compile but not execute ,then another which compile and kind of work
but show only image of boy sprite
i need to collect it and zip it.
dang i have collection but on old hdd which gone ..grr

Charles Pegge

Peter's games on youtube

NaaLaa Games by Peter Wirbelauer
Marcus Johansson
Apr 30, 2013


Really good. Well done!
Did he make them all with O2?

Charles Pegge

Peter liked to try out different compilers. I think his original code-base was C. He used O2, both Basic and assembler. In this youtube, the programs were written in Naalaa presumably. I'm looking for more recent activities (2014..)

Zlatko Vid

Maybe is C but i only know for one 2d interpreter and basic4GL  or something like that .

Zlatko Vid

Yes exactly after post above topic gone ..
i found few posts on Basic4GL forum by Peter
he is there called PeterMaria