Bachmut / Artemovsk soon free (from US-paid Agents)?

Started by Theo Gottwald, May 16, 2023, 03:20:15 PM

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Theo Gottwald

While our media is still busy telling us that Russia has no weapons and no more rockets, and Ukraine is soon to win, here are some Reports from the actual "Front Line". As it looks, Bachmut (what is left from the City are some Ruins) will be soon in the Hands of WAGNER (means "Bach Mute") :-).
My personal Opinion is that "war in Cities is a mistake because there are no Cities left after the war.
Let me add that we Germans have that Experience "How  War with Russia ends". In Berlin we got 14 Artillery shells per 1 m2 at the end of the war.
Just the Ukrainians and US are now slowly learning this lesson.

Also UK has supplied Ukraine with "Depleted Uranium" (Atomic Waste) Ammunition.
As a result, the Russians have destroyed them and now the Level of Radioactivity in the Air in Ukraine has increased.
Big thanks to England. I do not really believe that Radioactivity is so bad, but Uranium IS BAD because its chemically very poisenous.

Russia has no more Rockets?

Bachmut - Endgame

Final Hours of BACHMUT

Patriots at work?

José Roca

> As it looks, Bachmut (what is left from the City are some Ruins) will be soon in the Hands of WAGNER (means "Bach Mute") :-).

They've been saying that for over nine months.

"Ukrainian troops on the front line in Bakhmut have been advancing as the fierce fighting to push Russian forces from the country continues. Soldiers in Ukraine's 3rd Brigade showed Russian positions they had captured in recent days, which contained foxholes and equipment left by fleeing soldiers."

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Russia's Wagner mercenary group, said on Thursday that his forces' flanks were under pressure near the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, resulting in the loss of ground that his men had captured at heavy cost.

> They also said they had destroyed a Patriot system

They tried to destroy a US-made Patriot air defense system in Ukraine with a hypersonic missile. The attack failed and the Ukrainian military instead intercepted the missile using the Patriot system.

> Also UK has supplied Ukraine with "Depleted Uranium" (Atomic Waste) Ammunition.
As a result, the Russians have destroyed them and now the Level of Radioactivity in the Air in Ukraine has increased.

This is as fake as the "burned" German Leopards in an earlier post of yours.


Theo Gottwald

Realistically, Jose Bachmut is already to 95% in the hands of the "Musicians" (i think Prigozin is an artist, he should not have been going to the military, he would make very good work also in a building company or in an orchestra). But its like it is.


Currently even our western Propaganda Media says that these are the last days of Buchmut.

The current fight is just for the last "Square Meters".

More interesting is the new war strategy from USA "How to destroy China".
The trick is to make China attack Taiwan.

And for you, Jose here is some Info on the Rocket stuff. This will help so you know better whats the inside of the topic.

As I earliere said "Bachmut is the STALINGRAD FOR UKRAINE", there are now first attempts from Ukraine to surrender.


José Roca

Surrender? Didn't you know that Ukraine is preparing a counteroffensive?


Theo Gottwald

Of course, they prepare a Counteroffensive.
Just like Germany after Stalingrad 1945.
When the Allied forces already had won the Air Superiority.

Now the NATO Forces can try to supply F-16 to regain Air superiority.
But F-16 - unlike Russian Machines can only start from clean Airfields.

They will not be available in Ukraine, especially as there are no more Patriots now available.
They could theoretically start in Polen or Rumänien, but I doubt these Countries want to get directly involved and destroyed.
Will USA supply enough F-16?
There is a risk the F-16 will fail against the new F-35 from Russia, so why should USA risk that after their Patriot System was already knocked out?
They want sell this stuff, they want test it on the battle field - YES, but they do not want it to be destroyed.

So whats left is - to surrender - just what Germany did 1945 (while in fact Germany has not surrendered, only the German Army has surrendered).

There is one interesting fact, many people do overlook. There has NEVER been an official declaration of war between Russia and Ukraine.
Russia says "Its a special Military Operation". But also Ukraine does NOT want to declare War on Russia.
Did you ever ask yourself why?

Now there are rumors that US will take away the Patriot Systems from Ukraine "for Repair" :-).
Because if they stay there, they will be destroyed and this will prevent US from selling more of these on the market.

Ukraine is going to encircle Bachmut?
They own about 10 Houses there and can not hold them.

US sent F-16 to Ukraine. The Club of Billionairs want to see some Fireworks.

Theo Gottwald

Here is the actual News from Artemovsk (Ex-Bachmut) which is not more a City but a field of Ruins:

Then we have it now official: The F-16(S) are already in Ukraine, the Pilots have been trained for long time. Its mostly like that. When it comes to the public, it was already done behind the curtains.

Of course the F-16 inspired Russia to also UPGRADE. After all the US-President gave a lot of US Military Equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan, and he want the Rest to be destroyed by russian Rockets.

Then we have that radioactive Cloud, which is not dangerouse because its radioactivity, but because it may contain Uranium which is very poisenous.

And aside of that all, here is the AI_News of this week. Politicians and large Companies pledge for stron AI Regulations to prevent small Companies from using AI?