WHO power grab

Started by Charles Pegge, May 27, 2023, 05:51:24 AM

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Charles Pegge

Beware the WHO (not the HU!)

WHO power grab
Dr. John Campbell

European concern
Dr. John Campbell

Ester McVey MP on WHO
Dr. John Campbell
May 10, 2023

Who defines truth
Dr. John Campbell
May 17, 2023

International covid summit review
Dr. John Campbell
May 18, 2023

Dr Robert Malone: When Governments deploy psy-ops on their citizens, 'sovereignty becomes obsolete'
May 6, 2023

Theo Gottwald

Definitely the biggest Coup from BILL G.
Depop34.jpgGates Trio.jpg 

Charles Pegge

I post this with considerable regret:

Bill Gates Exposed: *Philanthropy to Control the World* w/ Vandana Shiva

Feb 22, 2023

Charles Pegge

Note the empty chamber!

UK debate on power grab

Dr. John Campbell
28 oct 2023

José Roca


Why do you insist in posting lies? With this the only thing you achieve is to discredit yourself.

UK newspaper article wrongly attributed to Bill Gates

CLAIM: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates wrote an article for The Sovereign Independent in 2011 called "Depopulation by Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution!"

AP'S ASSESSMENT: False. Gates did not write this article. The newspaper used a quote from Gates out of context to support the misleading idea, but the text of the story was written by another author, according to a web archive of the page.

See more:

José Roca

> Note the empty chamber!

It seems that people are starting to get tired of those boring conspiracy stories.