"GPTBot" the new WEB-Crawler from GPT-5 is on the way.

Started by Theo Gottwald, August 14, 2023, 02:46:03 PM

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Theo Gottwald

Now its official, the WEB is analyzed as Food for AI, especially GPT-5.

Thats why we have opened the Museums-Forums, to enable the AI to read all the code and get all Information.
So hopefully GPT-5 will then know all of this.

From what the rumors say, GPT-5 could be available for the public from December or January 2023.

While GPT-4 is already amazing, i hope GPT-5 will then be able to make programming Projects "On its own".

PS: People say that GPT-5 will be AGI to some degree, means it should be able to act "like a real person" also make tasks like real person can do tasks. This will be amazing to see.