Unicode question

Started by Frank Brübach, June 03, 2024, 01:23:17 PM

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Frank Brübach

Hello Charles..

How I can Display Chinese Letters in oxygen? In Oxide there are only to See ??? Three or more  Questionmarks

In my simple Texteditor it Shows correct Chinese Symbols

uses corewin

extern lib "User32.dll"
    ! CharUpper "CharUpperW"                        '1
    ! CharLower "CharLowerW"                        '1
    ! MessageBox            "MessageBoxW"           '1
end extern
    wstring tab=wchr(9)
    wstring sep

dim strx as string =" 你好吗 " '' chinese letters

mbox mid(**strx,2)

' unicode problem

" 你好吗 "
' translation: chinesisch: Nǐ hǎo ma
' english: hello how are you?
' german: "hallo wie gehts?"

Frank Brübach

Made this example Charles
But the Chinese Text isnt displayed correct

wstring hellochinese
sub getwstrings()
  'very simple
  int n=0
  int p1=1, p2, le
  wstring wcrlf=wchr(13)+wchr(10)
  wstring txt=wstring getfile "chines.txt"
  if len(txt)=0 then mbox "Cannot load chines.txt"
  while 1
    p2=instr(p1,txt, wcrlf)
    if p2=0 then exit while
    print hellochinese
end sub

Chinese.txt ' Hope this can displayed Here correct

你好吗 these are chinese letters


Charles Pegge

Try splitting this dim line:

 wstring txt=wstring getfile "chines.txt"

wstring txt
txt=(wstring) getfile "chines.txt"
' txt= cast wstring getfile "chines.txt"

Frank Brübach

Sorry No Chance same result Like before No Chinese Symbols are displayed

uses corewin

''  Try splitting this dim line:
 ''  wstring txt=wstring getfile "chines.txt"

'' wstring txt
'' txt=wstring getfile "chines.txt"
' txt= cast wstring getfile "chines.txt"

''print txt

wstring hellochinese
sub getwstrings()
   'very simple
   int n=0
   int p1=1, p2, le
   wstring wcrlf=wchr(13)+wchr(10)
   wstring txt
   txt=wstring getfile "chines.txt"
   if len(txt)=0 then mbox "Cannot load chines.txt"
   while 1
     p2=instr(p1,txt, wcrlf)
     if p2=0 then exit while
     print hellochinese
end sub


Charles Pegge

ok, start with something really simple:

putfile "t.txt","AA" 'cheating!
wstring ws
ws=cast wstring getfile("t.txt")
print ws

Roland Stowasser

Hi Charles,

I noticed a small bug in \demos\Unicode\REdit_Unicode\RicheditUnicode.o2bas. There is an error message:

Error: cannot use variable as constant
Word: fname
Proc: wndproc
Col:  1
Line: 274
File: 'man source'

The app worked with an older version of O2, although it is not quite correct. After I modified line 273 / 274 to:

                  wstring text3
                  text3 = (wstring) wgetfile (fName)   

everything worked as expected.

I attach the three images of the used test files.                         

Charles Pegge

Yes Roland, I noticed a few breakages in the Unicode folder, but unfortunately I have very limited time to spare for the next few weeks. Perhaps you could isolate the problems syntactically.. It's probably something tiny.

Frank Brübach

At Roland there are only few Changes to make fixed Code below


$ filename "RicheditUnicode.exe"
  'uses RTL32
  'uses RTL64

   uses WinData
   % ES_SAVESEL=0x8000
   % SS_LEFT=0
   % SS_NOTIFY=0x0100 
   % SF_TEXT=1
   % EM_SETTEXTEX=1121
   % CP_ACP=0
   % CP_UTF8=65001 'codepage UTF8
   % WM_CLEAR=771 

     dword flags
     uint  codepage
   end type

   extern lib "Kernel32.dll"
   ! GetCommandLine         "GetCommandLineW"      '0
   ! GetModuleHandle        "GetModuleHandleW"     '1
   end extern
   extern lib "User32.dll"
   ! CreateWindowEx        "CreateWindowExW"       '12
   ! DefWindowProc         "DefWindowProcW"        '4
   ! DispatchMessage       "DispatchMessageW"      '1
   ! GetClientRect                                 '2
   ! GetMessage            "GetMessageW"           '4
   ! GetSystemMetrics                              '1
   ! IsWindowUnicode
   ! LoadIcon              "LoadIconW"             '2
   ! LoadCursor            "LoadCursorW"           '2
   ! MessageBox            "MessageBoxW"           '1
   ! PostQuitMessage                               '1
   ! RegisterClass         "RegisterClassW"        '1                               
   ! SendMessage           "SendMessageW"          '4
   ! SetFocus
   ! SetWindowPos                                  '7
   ! SetWindowText         "SetWindowTextW"        '2 
   ! ShowWindow                                    '2
   ! TranslateMessage                              '1
   ! UpdateWindow                                  '1
   end extern
   extern lib "Comctl32.dll"
   ! InitCommonControlsEx                          '1
   end extern

   #ifndef mode64bit
     extern lib "Msvcrt.dll" cdecl
     extern lib "Msvcrt.dll"
   ! _wfopen
   ! fclose
   ! fread
   ! fseek
   ! ftell
   end extern

   function wGetFile(wstring name) as wstring
   sys f
   int e
   wstring m="rb"
   wbstring s
   f=_wfopen name,m      'open for reading binary
   if f=0 then return "" 
   fseek f,0,2           'end of file
   e=ftell f             'get position
   fseek f,0,0           'beginning of file
   strptr s=getmemory e  'create buffer to fit
   fread s,1,e,f         'load buffer
   fclose f              'close file
   return s
   end function

   function wGetFile(wstring name) as string
   sys f
   int e
   wstring m="rb"
   bstring s
   f=_wfopen name,m      'open for reading binary
   if f=0 then return ""
   fseek f,0,2           'end of file
   e=ftell f             'get position
   fseek f,0,0           'beginning of file
   strptr s=getmemory e  'create buffer to fit
   fread s,1,e,f         'load buffer
   fclose f              'close file
   return s
   end function

   'create a structure of INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX
   'Register Common Controls
   iccex.dwICC= 0xffff

   declare function WinMain(sys inst, prevInst, asciiz*cmdline, sys show) as sys
   dim cmdline as wchar ptr, hInstance as sys
   hInstance=GetModuleHandle 0
   sys hButton1, hButton2, hREdit, hEdit, Group
   % ID_BUTTON1=1000
   % ID_BUTTON2=1001
   sys lbl[5]
   wstring lblTxt[5]={"   Ansi","UTF-16","UTF-8","Text","Open file as: "}
   sys radio[5]
   sys id_radio[5]={101,102,103,104}


   WinMain hInstance,0,cmdline,SW_NORMAL
function WinMain(sys inst, prevInst, asciiz*cmdline, sys show) as sys
   WndClass wc
   MSG      wm
   sys hwnd, Wwd, Wht, Wtx, Wty, Tax
   wstring classname="REDemo"
   wc.style = CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
   wc.lpfnWndProc = @WndProc
   wc.cbClsExtra =0
   wc.cbWndExtra =0
   wc.hInstance =inst
   wc.hIcon=LoadIcon 0, IDI_APPLICATION
   wc.hCursor=LoadCursor 0,IDC_ARROW
   wc.hbrBackground = COLOR_WINDOW
   wc.lpszMenuName =null
   wc.lpszClassName = strptr classname
   RegisterClass (@wc)
   Wwd = 640 : Wht = 400
   Tax = GetSystemMetrics SM_CXSCREEN
   Wtx = (Tax - Wwd) /2
   Tax = GetSystemMetrics SM_CYSCREEN
   Wty = (Tax - Wht) /2

   'Main Window
   hwnd = CreateWindowEx 0,wc.lpszClassName,  wstring("OXYGEN BASIC"),WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,Wtx,Wty,Wwd,Wht,0,0,inst,0

      wstring("Button"), wstring("Open File"),
      500, 10, 80 ,25,
      hwnd,ID_BUTTON1,inst, 0)
      wstring("Button"), wstring("Clear REdit"),
      500, 45, 80 ,25,
      hwnd,ID_BUTTON2,inst, 0)

      wstring("Edit"), wstring(""),
      20, 10, 450 ,25,
   int x, lft, wid
   lft=130 : wid=50
   for x=1 to 5
      if x=5 then lft=-340 : wid=90
      wstring("Static"), wstring(""),
      lft+((x-1)*90), 45, wid ,25,
   next x

   for x=1 to 4
      wstring("Button"), wstring(""),
      180+((x-1)*90), 45, 15 ,15,
   next x
   SendMessage(radio[1], BM_SETCHECK, true,0)
      wstring("RichEdit20W"), wstring(""),
      20, 60,200,25,
   ShowWindow hwnd,SW_SHOW
   UpdateWindow hwnd
   sys bRet
   do while bRet := GetMessage (@wm, 0, 0, 0)
     if bRet = -1 then
       'show an error message
       TranslateMessage @wm
       DispatchMessage @wm
     end if
end function
function WndProc (sys hWnd, uint wMsg, sys wParam, lparam ) as sys callback
   SETTEXTEX settext
   select wMsg

      case WM_COMMAND
        select loword(wParam)       
           case ID_BUTTON1
              wstring fName = space 256
              SendMessage(hEdit,  WM_GETTEXT, len(fName), fName)
              if len(fname)>0 then
                if SendMessage(Radio[1],BM_GETCHECK,0,0)=BST_CHECKED then 'Ansi
                  string text1
                  text1 = wgetfile (fName)                               
                  if len(text1)=0 then
                    MessageBox(hWnd, wstring(fName) + " missing or load failure!", wstring("Load File"), MB_OK or MB_ICONASTERISK)
                    'RegisterClassW creates Unicode window, so translate to Unicode
                    settext.codepage=CP_ACP  'System codepage
                    SendMessage(hREdit, EM_SETTEXTEX, &settext, text1)
                  end if
                end if 

                if SendMessage(Radio[2],BM_GETCHECK,0,0)=BST_CHECKED then 'Unicode
                  wstring text2
                  text2 = (wstring) wgetfile (fName)                               
                  if len(text2)=0 then
                    MessageBox(hWnd, wstring(fName) + " load failure!", wstring("Load File"), MB_OK or MB_ICONASTERISK)
                    SendMessage(hREdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, text2)
                  end if
                end if 

                if SendMessage(Radio[3],BM_GETCHECK,0,0)=BST_CHECKED then 'UTF8
                  string text3
                  wstring text3 = wstring wgetfile (fName)                               
                  if len(text3)=0 then
                    MessageBox(hWnd, wstring(fName) + " missing or load failure!", wstring("Load File"), MB_OK or MB_ICONASTERISK)
                    'RegisterClassW creates Unicode window, so translate to Unicode
                    settext.codepage=CP_UTF8  'cp 65001
                    SendMessage(hREdit, EM_SETTEXTEX, &settext, text3)
                  end if
                end if 

                if SendMessage(Radio[4],BM_GETCHECK,0,0)=BST_CHECKED then 'Plain Text
                  string text4
                  text4 = wgetfile (fName)                               
                  if len(text4)=0 then
                    MessageBox(hWnd, wstring(fName) + " missing or load failure!", wstring("Load File"), MB_OK or MB_ICONASTERISK)
                    text4=chr(32) & text4
                    SendMessage(hREdit, WM_SETTEXT, SF_TEXT, text4)
                  end if
                end if 

              end if
           case ID_BUTTON2
              SendMessage(hREdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1)
              SendMessage(hREdit, WM_CLEAR, 0, 0)                               
        end select

      case WM_SIZE     
         RECT rcClient
         // Calculate remaining height and size edit
         GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient)
         SetWindowPos(hREdit, NULL, 0, rcClient.top+75, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom-75, SWP_NOZORDER)
      case WM_DESTROY
         PostQuitMessage 0
      case WM_KEYDOWN
         Select wParam
            Case 27 : SendMessage hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0      'ESCAPE
         End Select
      case else
         function=DefWindowProc hWnd,wMsg,wParam,lParam
   end select
end function ' WndProc

Frank Brübach


All OK tested putfile and to load a songtext too

Ws=wstring getfile("t.txt) ' AA
(You must deleted in your Code Cast)

'ok, start with something really simple:

uses corewin

' all ok here
putfile "t.txt","AA" 'cheating!
wstring ws
'ws=cast wstring getfile("t.txt")
ws=wstring getfile("t.txt") ' AA
print ws

putfile "t1.txt","BB" 'cheating!
wstring ws2
ws2=wstring getfile("t1.txt") ' BB
print ws2

putfile "t2.txt","turnturnturn" 'cheating!
wstring ws3
ws3=wstring getfile("t2.txt") ' turnturnturn
print ws3

' GETFILE only ok if you are changing wstring to string
' songtext turnturnturn, the byrds
' all ok if you are using instead of wstring-> string

string mytxt : getfile "turnturnturn.txt",mytxt
print mytxt

If you are using wstring mytext2 : getfile "turnturnturn.txt",mytext2 : Print mytext2 I have Got Strange Symbols

'ok, start with something really simple:

uses corewin

' all ok here
putfile "t.txt","AA" 'cheating!
wstring ws
'ws=cast wstring getfile("t.txt")
ws=wstring getfile("t.txt") ' AA
print ws

putfile "t1.txt","BB" 'cheating!
wstring ws2
ws2=wstring getfile("t1.txt") ' BB
print ws2

putfile "t2.txt","turnturnturn" 'cheating!
wstring ws3
ws3=wstring getfile("t2.txt") ' turnturnturn
print ws3

' GETFILE only ok if you are changing wstring to string
' songtext turnturnturn, the byrds
' all ok if you are using instead of wstring-> string

string mytxt : getfile "turnturnturn.txt",mytxt
print mytxt

' next line not ok I have got strange symbols
wstring mytxt2 : getfile "turnturnturn.txt",mytxt2
print mytxt2

Frank Brübach

PS add Songtext "turnturnturn.txt"

Roland Stowasser

Hi Frank,

the demos in the Unicode folder were written before Charles created CoreWinW.inc and WindataW.inc. It would be interesting to apply these include files to the demos. Personally, however, I believe that  it is neccessary to use a Unicode keyboard to develop and test more elaborated code and that someone should speak a language like Greek, Russian etc. In this respect, I miss Mike Lobanovsky very much.

Frank Brübach

Here's another attempt and does work much better :)  although I have No Idea how to get all Chinese Unicode Points for an alphabeth it doesn't exist there Like in english french greek

    ' chinese unicode try 1, oxygen basic, by frank bruebach, 04-06-2024
    $ filename "Alphabets.exe"
    'use rtl32
    'use rtl64
    uses corewin
    extern lib "User32.dll"
    ! CharUpper "CharUpperW"                        '1
    ! CharLower "CharLowerW"                        '1
    ! MessageBox            "MessageBoxW"          '1
    end extern
    wstring tab=wchr(9)
    wstring sep
    function setup_alphabet(int length_U, wstring lang_U, lang_L) as wstring
      int n=0, x
      int le=length_U
      wstring lang
      wstring capital=space 1, small=space 1
      wstring capital2=space 1, small2=space 1 
      for x=1 to le
          sep=") " : if n<10 then sep=")  "
    '      lang &= n & sep & mid(lang_U,n,1) & tab & mid(lang_L,n,1) & tab
          'Testing CharUpper and CharLower, ucase and lcase functions
          capital=mid(lang_L,n,1) : CharUpper(capital)
          small=mid(lang_U,n,1) : CharLower(small)
          capital2=mid(lang_L,n,1) : capital2=ucase(capital2)
          small2=mid(lang_U,n,1) : small2=lcase(small2)
          lang &= n & sep & mid(lang_U,n,1) & capital & capital2 & tab & mid(lang_L,n,1) & small & small2 & tab     
      return lang
    end function
    '------------------------------- NEW ATTEMPT ----------------------------- //
    ' unicode code points
    wstring Chinese_U=wchr(20044)+wchr(21439)
    wstring Chinese_L=wchr(20045)+wchr(21440)

    wstring Chinese=setup_alphabet(len(Chinese_U), Chinese_U, Chinese_L)
    MessageBox 0, Chinese ,wstring("Chinese Alphabet"),0
    '------------------------------- NEW ATTEMPT ----------------------------- //

    wstring Grecian_U=
    wstring Grecian_L=
    wstring Grecian=setup_alphabet(len(Grecian_U), Grecian_U, Grecian_L)
    MessageBox 0, Grecian ,wstring("Grecian Alphabet"),0
    'This is for testing the own keyboard
    wstring MyAlphabet_L="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöüß"
    wstring MyAlphabet=setup_alphabet(len(MyAlphabet_U), MyAlphabet_U, MyAlphabet_L)
    MessageBox 0, MyAlphabet ,wstring("My Alphabet - Testing the own keyboard"),0