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General Category

General Discussion
Post here if you don't find a more appropriate board. Spam, trolling, personal attacks and flame-wars are not allowed.

Posts: 3,144
Topics: 469

Last post: Yesterday at 12:58:13 AM Forgotten Innovations of... by Charles Pegge

Contentious discussions about anything, the world, politics and health topics.
Anything that is allowed by german law can be posted. All opinions are solely the opinions of the posters and not necessary the opinions of the forum owner, of Theo or Jose or anybody else here.

Posts: 577
Topics: 166

Last post: July 23, 2024, 07:31:32 AM Abundant Energy Makes Th... by Charles Pegge

Meta Forum
Suggestions, tips and announcements about the forum.

Posts: 157
Topics: 22

Last post: May 04, 2024, 07:39:09 AM Re: Forum Maintenance da... by Theo Gottwald

Third-Party Add-Ons
Information about third-party add-ons and user-recommended links to related web sites. Product announcements are permitted only in this forum.

Posts: 414
Topics: 46

Last post: April 16, 2023, 09:53:33 PM PB Source C... by Theo Gottwald

IT-Consultant: Charles Pegge

Oxygen BASIC Resources
This Board contains Download Links, Tables with important data to look up, and things that are often needed and should not get lost.

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: February 11, 2024, 08:41:11 AM BASIC DATATYPES in Oxyge... by Theo Gottwald

OxygenBasic and prior experiments in programming Languages and Opengl

Posts: 1,913
Topics: 225

Last post: Yesterday at 03:56:15 PM Re: OxygenBasic Update /... by James C. Fuller

OxygenBasic Examples
Demo code using the o2 compiler.
(formerly short code)

Posts: 811
Topics: 137

Last post: July 24, 2024, 06:39:08 PM Re: Define question by Frank Brübach

Opengl Shader Language

Posts: 33
Topics: 4

Last post: January 24, 2013, 08:52:06 AM Re: New Board for Opengl... by Petr Schreiber

Posts: 156
Topics: 18

Last post: June 14, 2024, 07:26:43 AM Re: Macro Function as... by Zlatko Vid

Other PC OS Distributions
There are many Linux and other OS distributions, and VM lets us run more than one on our PCs.

Posts: 289
Topics: 61

Last post: May 10, 2022, 04:37:58 PM Re: MenuetOS by Nicola

Computing concepts and ideas, real and surreal.

Posts: 179
Topics: 23

Last post: June 14, 2024, 07:28:40 AM Re: Embedding the $ Scri... by Zlatko Vid

Download Oxygen Basic
This is the official download link as given from Charles Pegge on 03.04.20223

Redirects: 6,939

IT-Berater: Theo Gottwald (IT-Consultant)

General Tips and Discussion
This is the universal place in my subforum. For everything that does not find anywhere else.

Posts: 226
Topics: 30

Last post: February 03, 2024, 10:02:43 PM Use a Pipe to get a Cons... by Theo Gottwald

Advanced Datatypes
Datatypes are the most important topic in Programming. Using the right datatype help to speed up tasks significantly and to reduce bugs.

Posts: 33
Topics: 28

Last post: May 06, 2024, 11:16:24 AM Graph Database from Stan... by Theo Gottwald

AI / ChatGPT / Claude AI / LM Studio / AGI
In this Board we will discuss AI Topics.

Posts: 61
Topics: 38

Last post: July 06, 2024, 09:44:56 AM InternLM 2.5 the Local A... by Theo Gottwald

3D Graphic Tools
Here we can post about Rendering Programs like Luxray, or POV_Ray as well as any other program that spits out 3D Content in pictures or Films.

Posts: 8
Topics: 8

Last post: October 12, 2022, 03:28:32 PM How to install Stable di... by Theo Gottwald

Source Code and Discussions
You can post your Source code here and get a discussion on it.

Posts: 412
Topics: 28

Last post: May 06, 2024, 11:19:25 AM Sunrise Calculation by Theo Gottwald

PowerBasic Adventures
This Board is for Compiler specific Topics and issues that are undocumented.

Posts: 16
Topics: 5

Last post: February 28, 2024, 01:41:27 PM Re: Tipp for "Firefly Vi... by Theo Gottwald

Low Level Code Optimization
General Tipps and Tricks to speed up your code.

Posts: 114
Topics: 40

Last post: April 22, 2024, 08:12:38 PM Automatically closing Br... by Theo Gottwald

Deutsches Board (IT-Themen)
Wer total keine Lust hat, extra englisch zu lernen, der kann hier posten.

Posts: 64
Topics: 9

Last post: March 31, 2017, 05:47:10 PM Re: Console Tools für Fr... by Peter Weis

Hier gebe ich Updates zu ProviCALC bekannt. Poste hier wenn du Fragen und Anregungen zu ProviCALC hast. Oder schreib mir an: theo.gottwald[at]

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: March 24, 2024, 07:54:46 AM 🌈✨ ProviCalc: 24.03.202... by Theo Gottwald

Posts: 81
Topics: 17

Last post: December 25, 2009, 12:17:11 AM Re: Visual Designers and... by Edwin Knoppert

More Links, Infos and Tools
This Board is for non-PowerBasics related News, Topics and tools to look at.
To prevent Link-Spamming, it's only available for registered Forum Members.

Posts: 13
Topics: 10

Last post: November 22, 2013, 03:49:47 AM Re: LINUX - does it also... by Theo Gottwald

Crypto-Currencies (Bitcoin and others)
Crypto-Currencies are a new Trend, because they anable just anybody to print their private Money.
Lets talk about it, as these also have to do with Computers.

Posts: 14
Topics: 11

Last post: May 04, 2024, 10:02:26 AM AI Trader Bot beats huma... by Theo Gottwald

Compiler Explorer: Disassemble C-Code into ASM
You want to know how some code will look in a C-Compiler? Take a peek.

Redirects: 6,988

Chat GPT-4
This will send you to ChatGPT.

Redirects: 6,609

Mistral AI Chat
"Mistral Large" is a very capable Model that can generate usable PowerBasic Code.

Redirects: 216

Claude 3 Chat
This is the Standard Claude 3 Chat from Anthropic.

Redirects: 5,982

Claude 3 Opus via API Console
You can use Claude 3 Opus without buying the 20$  Subscription using the API Way.

Redirects: 329

Google Gemini AI
I do not think its so much useful, but maybe for special Tasks or if they get it updated, less politically correct.

Redirects: 5,602

Stable Diffusion Online (Dreamstudio)
This Link will send you to Dreamstudio.

Redirects: 6,389

Stable Diffusion Image Generation "Clipdrop"
Click here to generate Images using Stable Diffusion XL

Redirects: 275

LMSYS Chatbot Arena: Benchmarking LLMs in the Wild
LMSYS Chatbot Arena: Benchmarking LLMs in the Wild: Ask any question to two anonymous models (e.g., ChatGPT, Claude, Llama) and vote for the better one! You can chat for multiple turns until you identify a winner. Votes won't be counted if model identities are revealed during the conversation.

Redirects: 414

The WEB-Paper:
Publish your Ideas and Whitepapers here.

Redirects: 512

Smart-Package Robot Board

Posts: 25
Topics: 23

Last post: July 14, 2024, 07:12:26 PM 🔧 SPR Update Q4 - Major ... by Theo Gottwald

Posts: 17
Topics: 17

Last post: May 25, 2024, 02:07:26 PM 🚨 Watchdog-Script to pre... by Theo Gottwald

Download Smart Package Robot
This Link will lead you to the official Smart Package Robot WEB-Site.

Redirects: 7,059

Purebasic-Tipps and Code

PureBasic Tipps and Tricks
As PureBasic is much alive and gets better with each new version, i think its time to have a place for it here.

Posts: 18
Topics: 6

Last post: September 13, 2023, 11:08:57 AM Re: Why does Powerbasic ... by Charles Pegge

Posts: 153
Topics: 24

Last post: September 16, 2023, 05:02:03 AM Levenshtein Distance and... by Theo Gottwald

Posts: 27
Topics: 13

Last post: November 14, 2023, 08:12:10 AM Purebasic "Enshure Forma... by Theo Gottwald

Purebasic WEB-Site and Download
THis Link will lead you to the official PureBasic WEB-Site.

Redirects: 6,450

Purebasic Forum - Assembler
This will link you to the english Purebasic Forum.

Redirects: 6,720

IT-Consultant: José Roca (PBWIN 10+/PBCC 6+) (Archive only)

These are the valuable Contributions from Jose Roca. As he has marked his Forum "Archive only" I have moved it into the Archives Section.
Discussions about Windows programming with PBWIN 10+ and PBCC 6+

Posts: 484
Topics: 53

Last post: February 11, 2020, 05:49:03 PM Re: PowerBASIC and third... by Theo Gottwald

CSED Editor
A programmer's editor for the PB/WIN and PB/CC compilers.

Posts: 187
Topics: 23

Last post: April 21, 2015, 06:05:57 PM Re: CSED for FreeBasic ... by Marc Pons

Windows API Headers
A translation of the Windows API headers to PowerBASIC™. Includes other APIs such OpenGL and DirectX.

Posts: 110
Topics: 24

Last post: October 10, 2022, 07:54:00 PM Re: Where i can found Ga... by Zlatko Vid

TypeLib Browser and Other Tools
A tool for browsing and exploring type libraries and generate PowerBASIC™ compatible source code.

Posts: 4
Topics: 3

Last post: July 12, 2011, 12:26:02 AM WMIGEN - Generator of te... by José Roca

Windows API Programming
Articles, tutorials and examples on Windows API programming with PBWIN 10.02+ and PBCC 6.02+

Posts: 251
Topics: 23

Last post: October 09, 2022, 11:41:56 AM GaryBeene scintilla Find... by Zlatko Vid

COM Programming
Articles, tutorials and examples on COM programming with PBWIN 10.02+ and PBCC 6.02+

Posts: 388
Topics: 30

Last post: July 28, 2022, 12:16:04 AM Re: Calling .NET classes... by Mike Doty

Graphics and Multimedia
Articles, tutorials and examples on graphics and multimedia programming with PowerBASIC™

Posts: 201
Topics: 52

Last post: June 15, 2017, 09:18:34 PM Re: Needing Direction by José Roca

Web Development
Articles, tutorials and examples on using Internet related technologies with PBWIN 10+ and PBCC 6+

Posts: 24
Topics: 12

Last post: February 22, 2018, 02:18:29 PM Re: Embedding the WebBro... by José Roca

Posts: 22
Topics: 2

Last post: December 08, 2022, 07:22:17 AM Re: SED Editor 2.03 by Zlatko Vid

Other Languages and Projects

Here we will park other Languages which currently may not have much supporters here.
x64 Board
As long as there is no PowerBasic64, we need to use something aside from that. This Forum shows some options.

Posts: 86
Topics: 15

Last post: April 17, 2023, 11:47:48 PM Re: Ever heared of "XOJO... by Anthon Com

Stuff about Freebasic should be somewhere not in the General Category.

Posts: 276
Topics: 8

Last post: June 19, 2024, 04:36:52 PM Re: Paul Squire's WinFBE by Johan Klassen

ADW Modula Corner
ADW Modula is a very clean compiler language that supports 342 as well as 64 bit executables.
It has a superior Debugger that goes doen to the ASM level and comes with a lot of samples.

Posts: 30
Topics: 2

Last post: August 09, 2013, 12:59:55 PM Re: Opinions about ADW M... by Richard Koch

Posts: 3
Topics: 2

Last post: June 03, 2024, 08:52:00 PM Re: micro(A) progies by Zlatko Vid

Posts: 174
Topics: 10

Last post: April 02, 2023, 01:41:35 PM Re: Brian is gone? by Theo Gottwald

Visit our Museum

Our PowerBasic Museum will show you old Backups of this Forum as well as other PowerBasic Resources. Doing so, the linking will increase our chances to be spidered and parsed by AI's. In the future this will lead to more understanding of Powerbasic. In the Museum, you can log in, but you can not change or delete anything, because this is the way, a Museum works. You can see it, but you can not change or delete it.
Museum 2017
This is a READ ONLY Forum with some Attachments available. Its recovered from a 2017 Database to let you remember the old times.

Redirects: 6,722

Museum 2020-A
This is a READ ONLY Forum some old Attachment recovered.
Its recovered from a 2020 Database to let you remember the old times.

Redirects: 6,660

Museum 2020-B
This is a READ ONLY Forum with some old Attachments recovered.
Its recovered from a 2020 Database to let you remember the old times.

Redirects: 6,756

Museum 2023
This is not yet a Museum, but it will be in the future. Its also Read Only, and most attachments should be available for download.

Redirects: 6,602

Jose's API Documentation
This links to an WEB-Site Jose did some Years ago, with lots of Resources.

Redirects: 6,579

Jose Roca Github
This is Jose's Github. I see just 2 Projects, but take a Look.

Redirects: 6,500

Visit the official MASM-Forum, it has also a lot of Resources for PB-Users.

Redirects: 7,072

Official PowerBasic Forum
This is the Link to the official PowerBasic Forum. The most used Resource for PowerBasic in the WEB.

Redirects: 8,460

Planet Squires Forum
This is the Forum from Paul Squires a long Year Contributor for PowerBasic. Currently he concentrates on other BASIC Systems. He is also the Creater of Firefly for PowerBasic, which is not continued as by today.

Redirects: 6,822

Franks Subforum

In this Subforum Frank can introduce his projects.
Franks Basic 2024 (32 Bit)
🚀 Introducing Franks Basic! 🚀 🛠️ Like FreeBasic and Oxygen Basic, but crafted with passion! Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, I've got you covered. Step-by-step, we'll explore the exciting world of coding together. 🌟 👨‍💻 Started back in 2012 during my studies, I took a break but revamped it during the pandemic. I'm just a hobbyist programmer, not a pro, but I'm eager to share what I love! 💻 🤔 Curious? I bet you are! Let's dive into programming with a tool that grows with you. 📈 PS: The only Source of this Software is also here. #Coding #Programming #HobbyCoding #LearnToCode #TechTwitter  😊👾🎓

Moderator: Frank Brübach

Posts: 66
Topics: 1

Last post: June 07, 2024, 07:41:48 AM Re: Tally example by Frank Brübach

IT-Consultant: James C. Fuller

Discussions about my BASIC interests

Posts: 198
Topics: 14

Last post: January 01, 2019, 03:16:20 PM Updated Nuwen MinGW Dist... by James C. Fuller

Basic to Visual c++. Another BCX Fork

Posts: 6
Topics: 1

Last post: November 29, 2021, 07:16:32 PM Re: New Toy by Zlatko Vid

bc9Basic is a Basic to c/c++ translator

Posts: 205
Topics: 34

Last post: January 12, 2019, 10:13:24 AM Re: I escaped by James C. Fuller

Cross Platform (Windows/Linux) Basic to c/c++ translator

Posts: 4
Topics: 2

Last post: May 12, 2016, 08:42:16 PM UbxBasic Released by James C. Fuller

IT-Consultant: Frederick J. Harris

Time For 64 Bit COM!
Using C Or C++ For Creating 64 Bit COM Code

Posts: 31
Topics: 4

Last post: February 12, 2015, 08:42:08 PM 64 Bit COM C++ Code Work... by Frederick J. Harris

Visual Basic And PowerBASIC Interoperability Issues
Issues related to conversions, interoperability, etc.

Posts: 36
Topics: 4

Last post: September 19, 2014, 03:50:22 PM Re: Converting Data Boun... by Frederick J. Harris

PowerBASIC Programmer's Survival Guide To C And C++
Interoperating between C/C++ & PowerBASIC

Posts: 201
Topics: 53

Last post: February 22, 2022, 02:28:51 AM Re: ProgEx36 -- Using Wi... by James C Morgan

ODBC Database Access
Connecting/Accessing Databases Using Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity Api

Posts: 15
Topics: 3

Last post: January 20, 2014, 08:06:49 PM 64 Bit ODBC (Open Databa... by Frederick J. Harris

Fred's API (Application Programming Interface) Tutorials
Frederick J. Harris tutorials on Windows Programming

Posts: 46
Topics: 14

Last post: April 07, 2011, 10:28:30 PM Re: Fred's Tutorial #5: ... by Frederick J. Harris

Fred's COM (Component Object Model) Tutorials
COM Programming, Issues, Samples

Posts: 124
Topics: 6

Last post: March 05, 2013, 07:33:16 PM Re: Final Grid Version -... by Frederick J. Harris

Posts: 358
Topics: 32

Last post: February 18, 2022, 03:21:12 AM Re: c++ client PowerBASI... by James C Morgan

Jobs and Projects

Hire me (Job-Seeker)
If you are looking for Job as programmer,
or for freelancer projects, post here.

Posts: 2
Topics: 2

Last post: May 15, 2024, 01:37:58 PM Forum and Database exper... by Ben Fireshade

I have something to do (Seeking Programmer or Freelancer)
If you seek for programmer or freelancer, post here.
Please also delete the post once the project ends.

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Legacy Software (PBWIN 9.0+/PBCC 5.0+)

Headers, Wrappers, Controls and Tools
Headers, wrappers, controls and tools for Windows programming with PBWIN 9.0+ and PBCC 5.0+

Posts: 23
Topics: 7

Last post: February 14, 2013, 03:43:13 PM Re: Firebird v. 2.1.1 He... by James Klutho


Windows API Programming (General)
Articles, tutorials and examples on Windows API programming with PBWIN 9.0+ and PBCC 5.0+

Posts: 0
Topics: 0

Sub-BoardsTips and Tricks

Windows Common Controls and Dialogs
Articles, tutorials and examples on using the Windows Common Controls and Dialogs with PBWIN 9.0+

Posts: 15
Topics: 1

Last post: December 26, 2006, 05:32:12 AM Re: Toolbar Controls by José Roca

COM Programming (General)
Articles, tutorials and examples on COM programming with PowerBASIC™

Posts: 60
Topics: 20

Last post: October 11, 2020, 12:08:05 AM Re: Microsoft Flex Grid ... by Jassim Kareem

Data Access and Storage
Articles, tutorials and examples on data access and storage programming with PBWIN 9.0+ and PBCC 5.0+

Posts: 8
Topics: 1

Last post: September 06, 2008, 07:40:58 AM Re: About Structured Sto... by José Roca

Graphics and Multimedia
Articles, tutorials and examples on graphics and multimedia programming with PowerBASIC™

Posts: 316
Topics: 248

Last post: August 11, 2017, 10:08:56 AM Re: OpenGL: Spinning Tri... by Patrice Terrier

Sub-BoardsSource Code

Articles, tutorials and examples on using scripting technologies with PBWIN 9.0+ and PBCC 5.0+

Posts: 90
Topics: 70

Last post: July 11, 2014, 09:10:55 PM Re: IWshShell.CreateShor... by John Montenigro

Sub-BoardsSource Code

Web Development
Articles, tutorials and examples on using Internet related technologies with PBWIN 9.0+ and PBCC 5.0+

Posts: 30
Topics: 7

Last post: November 24, 2012, 09:25:25 PM Re: WebBrowser Control: ... by Ken Levin

Sub-BoardsSource Code


Posts: 635
Topics: 24

Last post: August 24, 2023, 07:34:23 AM Re: 3Impact is now free by Theo Gottwald

Scriptbasic is a interpreter that can be used by compilers to embed Scripting operations easily.

Posts: 15
Topics: 3

Last post: January 29, 2022, 04:13:56 PM Re: Please remove this S... by Karen Zibowski

Posts: 28
Topics: 3

Last post: November 18, 2010, 02:07:53 AM Re: Possible Istorage.Re... by Frederick J. Harris