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OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Charles Pegge - July 19, 2024, 09:15:29 PM
With def statements, parameters are not declared like functions and procedures. Instead parameters are referenced within the body of the macro as %1 %2 %3 etc. For instance

def listitem print "%1" + chr(9) + "%2" + chr(13,10)
listitem 1 shoes
listitem 2 socks
listitem 3 hat

When invoking listitem the 2 words following listitem are treated as parameters. This is similar to DOS macros.
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Frank Brübach - July 19, 2024, 08:35:24 PM
Thanks again Charles,

I only want to know If a construct with three Parameters to define is possible?

Def Abc Print
Abc="hello Diana"

Def xyz Abc Print ' three Parameters
Xyz="hello Julia"

So If thats possible that xyz has Same Definition Like Print in one Line?

Regards, frank
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Charles Pegge - July 19, 2024, 06:41:21 PM
mbox is a low-level call based on MessageBox. So the expression mbox="hello" is treated as a pseudo-assignment with "hello" as its parameter.

so these definitions will work because they resolve to mbox(string) calls, though it might confuse someone trying to understand the code.

mbox "hello0"
def funbox mbox
def control funbox

OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Frank Brübach - July 19, 2024, 03:51:18 PM
Yes.. Here my Idea :(

' ok first three definitions
def funbox mbox
funbox = "Hello Oxygen"

def control funbox
control = "Hello Oxygen2"

def control2 control
control2 = "Hello Oxygen3"

'------------------------------------------------------------ //
' this was my idea if that's working too with three parameters

def control funbox mbox 'default params not available
control = "Hello Oxygen4"

OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Charles Pegge - July 19, 2024, 02:21:05 PM
Perhaps you could provide a use-case showing the result you want it to produce.
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Frank Brübach - July 19, 2024, 01:39:18 PM
Thank you Charles

Perhaps I didnt make IT clear sorry.. or I cannot understand your explanation..

I wanted more that in this Case 'control'

Def Control funbox mbox
Has Same mbox Features Like above  in my First post

Def funbox mbox
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: OpenGL question gprint
Last post by Charles Pegge - July 19, 2024, 12:54:49 PM
A brief demo of circular text using consoleG with the predefined Arial Font. Each character is a vertex list for a solid shape, which can be scaled, rotated etc.

uses consoleg
procedure main()
move 20,-15
int i,j
cls .2,.1,.5
scale 1.5
color .9,.8,.0
for i=1 to len(s)
    rotateZ -24*j
    move 4
    scale 2
    rotateZ -90-12 'clockwise
    gprint mid(s,i,1)
end procedure

OxygenBasic Examples / Re: Define question
Last post by Charles Pegge - July 19, 2024, 11:53:02 AM
You can use a def to represent any number of words. It will also accept up to 9 parameters for substitution %1..%9.

One of my favorites illustrating several features:

def show print "%1  --> " %1

show(10+1/4)   '10+1/4  --> 0.25

A single liner def is the same as a '%' or '$' equate.

OxygenBasic Examples / Define question
Last post by Frank Brübach - July 19, 2024, 10:35:06 AM
hello charles..

its possible with ocygen to define more than one command with another syntax?

for example

def funbox mbox ' thats ok

but how about that with second definition
here 'control'

def funbox control mbox

thanks, frank
OxygenBasic Examples / Re: OpenGL question gprint
Last post by Bernard Kunzy - July 17, 2024, 09:08:57 PM
I think that GDImage does that very well, including 0-360 full range rotation.

With OpenGL the solution is obvious, create a bitmap and use it for texture on a quadratic surface.

Indeed you can use the same concept that is used there for text rotation.