Using MSVCR80.DLL with PowerBASIC

Started by José Roca, December 30, 2007, 09:20:05 AM

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José Roca

MSVCR80.DLL is the C-Runtime Library for Microsoft Visual C 2005.

To use it with PowerBASIC we need to follow these steps:

  • To copy MSVCR80.DLL, MSVCP80.DLL and Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest in the application's folder. These files are located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\redist\x86\

  • To embed Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest in a resource file that, in turn, will be embeded in our application.

Example of resource file: MSVCR80.RC

1 24 "Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest"

Once compiled with the resource compiler (RC.EXE), include it in your application as follows:


Greg Lyon


Thanks for posting this, it helped me understand how to get a MASM program working that uses MSVCR80.DLL. It's the same principle and it also works for programs that use MSVCR90.DLL. I attached an example that does not require the DLLs to be copied to the application folder. It uses a slightly different manifest.

Edwin Knoppert

Afaik this is a code library?
Why is the manifest needed?
Or is it a control's library?

José Roca

Afaik this is a code library?

As stated in the first paragraph of my first post "MSVCR80.DLL is the C-Runtime Library for Microsoft Visual C 2005."

Why is the manifest needed?

Because M$ wants it.