non-registered com server

Started by James C. Fuller, November 09, 2013, 02:23:28 PM

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James C. Fuller

José, (or others in the know)

  What advantages, if any, is a non-registered com server as opposed to a standard dll?


José Roca

It depends of what you use it for. Both are standard DLLs, but one is used mainly for COM programming and the other for procedural programming.

James C. Fuller

  I worded that wrong.

If said (non-registered) com server was using just IUnknown for it's com objects would it make more sense just to use standard C++ classes in a standard dll for use with c++ clients or would there still be some advantage of using COM?


José Roca

If it is going to be used by C++ clients only, you aren't going to get any advantage using COM. One of the advantages of COM is that it is a binary standard and other languages can use it.