Future of powerbasic

Started by Sutthisak Phongthanapanic, September 01, 2013, 12:10:38 PM

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Patrice Terrier


QuoteYou are improving my Google translation skills at the moment.
This is to change you from your new OZ slang :)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Gary Beene

I actually had the same thought ...
Quote... book a flight to Florida.
Although, perhaps a bit different plans when I got there!  Wouldn't that be a hoot, to have a flash mob appear at the doors to PowerBASIC INC!  :)

Patrice Terrier


Here is another one to improve your french  :)

Aux dernières nouvelles, il semble que le poisson échoué sur la plage a été passé à la poêle à frire.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Steve Hutchesson



There is truly wisdom in the last comment, the previous one was profound enough.

Guy Dombrowski

Quote from: Patrice Terrier on October 27, 2013, 05:17:27 PM

Here is another one to improve your french  :)

Aux dernières nouvelles, il semble que le poisson échoué sur la plage a été passé à la poêle à frire.

Et il sera servi sur un lit de Rizotto

Patrice Terrier

Bonne dégustation, mais attention aux arêtes !  :)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

QuoteChris Boss is no longer confident

Sometimes it is better to cut one arm, than loosing the life.
Hard decision to take anyway, but the sooner the better, and that should be a source of meditation for all of us.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Gary Beene

Well, however valid Chris(B)'s concerns are regarding the viability of PowerBASIC's future , I think his recent announcement is more suitably ascribed to an emotional response to the criticism he got from a few recent posts on the PowerBASIC forums.

If he wanted to bow out of a PowerBASIC presence, he could have done that in the background and not alarmed his current customers.  A public announcement was hardly necessary.

Mike Mayerhoffer

It really boils down that PB is not doing a thing publicly to reinforce the annoying message things are back to "normal as they can be"

I would expect some babble - Hi name is Joe Blow the new Manager - I will be looking forward in doing business with you ....

Hi this is Joe blow happy to get your emails - if you need some thing don't post here-  email me for quicker results

Enough of that. 

My question - the person(s) who have claimed to not received CDs have they been for filled and how long is was has it been and or took ?

Look a cripple like me can get a letter out the door, I see no reason for the crew there not to get a cd out, or am I missing something here.

Look they were a little rough on Chris - some people don't have thick skin. You can call me anything you want - I just laugh at it , if it is funny or stupid enough.

And I tend to forget and forgive unless it is a daily ritual of pure hate and abuse toward me or anyone.

Mike Stefanik

Gary, I think the issue with Chris Boss was just that some folks kind of reached their limit when it came to his tendencies towards prolific self-promotion. It was tolerated when it was confined to the 3rd party forums, but they saw his poll as nothing more than a thinly disguised marketing effort. I think the overall reaction to him was in that broader context, rather than the specifics of that particular poll.

Personally, I do have some sympathy for the difficult position he finds himself in. He built a business around PowerBasic and their slow-motion implosion can't be doing any favors for his bottom line. If he depends on the income from his products, everything that's going on must be very stressful for him.

Theo Gottwald

Just reading between the lines ...

CB's Forum
QuoteIn all fairness to my customers, I guess I have to seriously consider the strong possibility that Powerbasic will not survive the turmoil it faces. I am not confident at this point.

QuoteI do know a few things, which are not common knowledge, but they are private, but that also does make me worry though, so I have to consider my customers needs first and plan for the worse case scenario. So let's consider what happens if PowerBasic goes under.

Now that Chris "seriously consider the strong possibility", i have to say "Hmmm...".

Let me add that i personally like Chris and have never had a problem with him or with his software, or his participation in this forum.
If he would like to open an EZGUI Subthread in my Sub-Forum Part, I'd let him also do that.
Chris is not a trouble-maker rather he avoids problems.

Looks like there are some "private Informations" out there.
I do not say that i had none of these, possibly got them first (ok second after NSA) ....
but it doesn't help if you have and you can't tell. Possibly its even worse.
You know and you still have to live just like if you don't know nothing  :D.

José Roca

We were led to believe that there was a continuity plan, but apparently there's only improvisation.

Marc Giao

Correct and I find that more troubling than anything else. Since Chris appears to have more information than most of us his first remark quote by Theo above is even more troubling.  The PowerSILENCE is deafening...

Quote from: José Roca on October 29, 2013, 03:48:18 PM
We were led to believe that there was a continuity plan...

Quote from: Theo Gottwald on October 29, 2013, 07:00:56 AM
...I have to seriously consider the strong possibility that Powerbasic will not survive the turmoil it faces.


Patrice Terrier

One member of this forum was a formal PowerBASIC employee, knowing probably much more than anybody else about the current state of the company.
If ever there was future, he would probably have posted here, because he is reading this thread.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)