Future of powerbasic

Started by Sutthisak Phongthanapanic, September 01, 2013, 12:10:38 PM

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Brice Manuel

QuoteI Don't understand why you would have 52000 lines of code in the same file without using include files - or is it a problem including the include files
Normally you wouldn't, but when you are using an IDE without proper project management, you waste a lot of time opening and closing individual files when they are needed as you are fighting the IDE trying to use it in a way it was not designed to be used.  Of course with code folding a single source file is much more manageable.  This is the 21st century.  The severe limit on lines of code is definitely a holdover from the 20th century that is simply not acceptable for an IDE for any language.

QuoteAlthough I don't really see why anyone would use the standard IDE when there are better options such as the Free and excellent CSED by Jose and the FireFly and Phoenix 3 environments.
That everyone uses something else really speaks to how problematic the official IDE is.  A company should not aim to drive people to other products through doing things half-assed.  Keep in mind that PowerBASIC is used in the corporate environment.  In some settings the user simply would not have the ability to install a third-party IDE.  PowerBASIC has always been marketed as a professional product, and it is a professional-grade compiler, but the IDE is a very poor representation of the product and does not share the same level of professionalism of the compiler.

Gary Beene

Patrice, OMG!  Something we absolutely agree on!
Quote... least an USB key in the pocket, i learned this the hard way too
I keep a copy of my main developmental folder on my SSD, on 2nd mechanical hard drive in my PC, on 2 different flash drives, and on DVDs.  I also have an external hard drive that I use for backup and keep it in a fireproof safe.  When I go on travel or to a client's site, I take a backup flash drive with me. When I'm coding a project, I back up the project pretty much hourly and keep all backups forever in my development folder.  I also keep a backup flash drive at a separate physical location in case my house gets totally destroyed (tornados do this in these parts).

Backup, backup, backup!  Multiple options.

Carlo Pagani

 :o Backup backup backup? SSD/USB - So yesterday. Cloud {Cubby / Skydrive / Dropbox}. I use Cubby and it will copy every edit you save to a new version. Yes, I do keep source replicate on 3 machines too but there are so many products that can make life so much easier than carting media around!

Patrice Terrier

Then what if the whole internet collapse  8)

Make me think to the cows accustomed to electric milking machine, they couldn't be milked anymore by hand.  :o

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Theo Gottwald

We will see if she is right ...

Predictions for 2014

Quotehe United States is in for a string of natural calamities. What is worse, a nationwide split is on the horizon, which may mark the beginning of the end of the United States as we know it today.
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/2013_12_14/Soothsaying-in-snowbound-Cairo-Egyptian-prophet-Joy-Ayad-makes-forecasts-for-2014-9625/

i would not travel to USA in Q2/Q3 in 2014.

Carlo Pagani

QuoteThen what if the whole internet collapse

Patrice, I for one convert from non practising Catholic and become practising Amish! :o

Patrice Terrier

Yes, autarcic people would probably be the survivals.  :)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Frederick J. Harris

The topic 'Future of PowerBASIC' has had 18702 views.  Is there any topic on this forum with more???  At least some folks are interested.

Patrice Terrier

Yes, there is one here with more: BassBox (more than 250 000 views with all the cumulative threads)  :)
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

Ok, we are now close to the second anniversary of the passing of Bob Zale, and after two years the question is still open.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Peter Weis

Patrice I think the Project PowerBASIC will slowly fall asleep !! pity :D

Steve Hutchesson

I think Gary has the right idea, especially with some encouragement, stop treating the language as crippleware and start producing some decent API, ASM, whatever else goes fast style of code. Just happens to be that the forum went down, maybe maintainance ?

Patrice Terrier


After two years of automatic flying mode, comes the time of the forced landing.

And Gary while a good guy is not the pilot of the plain.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Steve Hutchesson

Hi Patrice,

It certainly does not look like anything is going to happen in a hurry and that is if it ever happens but it bothers me little in that the 2 compilers work well and few have exploited their potential. I have this sense of humour that BASIC holds your hot little hand, API code will rap you over the knuckles while assembler will bite your hand. At least the "beached whales" syndrome appears to have faded with them and the folks that are left actually want to write some decent code at last without the endless whining about more and more "intrinsics" and further changes to the compilers to make them more like VB6.

Mike Stefanik

I think the biggest problem is the "radio silence" from the PowerBASIC staff and their marketing efforts seem to be non-existent lately. It's always seemed to have been positioned as a BASIC compiler targeted towards the business/professional developer, but they seem to be falling behind the curve there and I'm not sure they have the resources to change things.

I've personally reached out to see if there's something that we could do together with SocketTools and PowerBASIC and there doesn't seem to be any interest at all from them.