Future of powerbasic

Started by Sutthisak Phongthanapanic, September 01, 2013, 12:10:38 PM

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Gary Beene

I only see the 2 threads that Chris(B) deleted in the Cafe PowerBASIC forum.  Where are you thinking others were, that he deleted?

José Roca

Patrice Terrier

QuoteI may be mistaken but Chris' forum appears to have been vacuumed
Yes i can confirm this.

It is like when a big storm has devasted your home, and you don't know if you must repare it, or clear everything and build a new one from scratch.

One year after the death of Bob Zale, those who took the right decision are seeing the end of the tunnel, while others are now at the bottom of the pit.

We could send a rope to those wanting to escape, but we can't force others to take it.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Edwin Knoppert

Odd, the 'special' german forum (kirschbaum-software) is ended in the beginning of 2013.
Wonder about the exact reasons..

Gary Beene

Thanks for the link

But OMG!  It looks like I've got a title  -  "von Gary Beene"! 

Is that good?

Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut!

José Roca

Sorry, but no. It should be Gary von Beene to be a title :)

Christian Damhus

Quote from: Edwin Knoppert on November 03, 2013, 08:13:49 PM
Odd, the 'special' german forum (kirschbaum-software) is ended in the beginning of 2013.
Wonder about the exact reasons..

I guess I can tell you the reason for this. A few weeks ago I asked Mr. Kirschbaum why the forum is down. He told me that he has experienced technical problems with the forums software and that there were some problems with data security. He also mentioned that he has doubts concerning the future of PowerBasic. But still, so Mr. Kirschbaum, the current compilers are good enough so that they can be used for the near future.

I hope my English is good enough.

Brice Manuel

Quote from: Marc Giao on November 03, 2013, 12:23:07 AM
I may be mistaken but Chris' forum appears to have been vacuumed... Many of his recent PowerBASIC threads seem to have disappeared. Can anyone confirm I am not imagining this?

I do like the post he replaced them with.

Jon Eskdale

We seem to have lost the PowerBASIC site again


Arthur Gomide

I think that has much vulture flying looking carrion

David Roberts

PB will be up again in about nine hours or so when they roll into work.

It could have been worse, it could have gone down on Saturday afternoon in which case we would have to wait until Monday morning.


Brice Manuel

According to Eric's post it was the anniversary of Bob's death, so perhaps the servers took the day off in remembrance.

Cliff Nichols

Its 9:40am now and the PB forum is still DOWN!!!  :-X

Marc Giao

Keith D. Shelton